Tuesday 20 September 2016

The Narrative Project Begins - The End Sentence, The Conflict, and Adopting Roles

Year Two has officially begun and we have been briefed on our new projects. For our Narrative project, each group was given an ending sentence and a conflict for a 90 second animation...our genres are to be revealed next week.

Our conflict is 'Man vs Time' and our sentence is "Nevertheless they soon came to understand each other." We have also divided out the different roles for the project. We believe that this is a good set up based on our individual skills.

We have yet to decide who is going to be the Researcher because we initially felt like we'd all be researching different things so we need to still think about that one. We also decided that it'd be a good idea to set up a studio Twitter page and Youtube channel so we can share our work on that alongside our individual accounts.